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My kids love Forest Wild! Even on chilly, rainy days they come home smiling. Fire building, whittling and knife skills have been a huge confidence builder for both my kids...My 6.5 year old used to complain all the time when we took even short walks but since attending Forest Wild she has no complaints about hiking.

--Lis, HCFW parent

[My child] came home this week telling me all about fires, all the different types of sticks, and how to"warm his hands by fire" and also said he knows so much about the plants from Forest Wild. He also asked me what I am grateful for at lunch--mimicking what they did there...We are so thrilled to see him so engaged with learning and getting such valuable time communing with nature--so necessary for all of us.

--Joanna, HCFW parent


Our son has further developed his love and appreciation for the outdoors through attending HCFW. He has always been interested in birds, but lessons by the knowledgeable staff have him seeking more information on trees, wildflowers, mushrooms, and other animals in our ecosystem.

--Denise and Mark, HCFW parents


Forest Wild has been the absolute perfect thing for our son right now. Having a community, social interaction, and learning new skills has made such a positive impact on his mental health during pandemic.

--Jessica, HCFW parent

It has been so good for [my children], and for their relationship actually. They play together more outside of school than they ever have. There is something magical about the environment and dynamics of the group setting and that has taught them how to play together.

--Mary, HCFW parent


HCFW has helped my children through this difficult period by offering some semblance of normalcy amidst the chaos.

--Veronica, HCFW parent

[My child] always looks forward to attending, and she comes home full of enthusiasm and new interests. We consider this attitude a tribute to the staff and to Remi; we are grateful to you all.

--Joe, HCFW parent


Since starting Forest Wild [my child] now chooses to go on short hikes in the woods near our house in his free time. He also has taken his parents out on a night hike along his favorite loop through the woods.

--Katie, HCFW parent

[High Country Forest Wild] is a much needed alternative to virtual Kindergarten and meets the physical/social/emotional needs of my imaginative and active daughter. The staff is amazing, energetic, and passionate; they make learning fun and experiential. My daughter is always excited to return to the woods, fairy houses, forts, stories, games and fires.

--Katie, HCFW parent


Forest school has been a lifeline for my family during the pandemic disruptions. My son and daughter both look forward to seeing friends, building forts, playing with bunnies, and much more at Forest Wild. When I pick them up, the ride home is filled with cheerful chatter about the afternoon. They both seem less anxious now than at the start of the school year, and they sleep great on the days they go to Forest Wild. Their Forest Wild participation has made it possible for me to work guilt-free on those afternoons. I am so grateful for the thoughtful, compassionate leaders that my kids get to learn from and with at Forest Wild.

--Laura, HCFW parent

The hands-on learning at HCFW is absolutely what is needed in this moment of isolation and too much screen-based learning. We can see our children's sense of capability, sociality, and self-reliance expanding through what they are doing-learning at HCFW.

--Dana, HCFW parent

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